
Literary Analysis Of Tim Neville's 'The Great Pleasure Project'

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Imagine there is a small village living in fear of constant death from many probable causes disease, hunger, poverty, and corruption while nearby another group lives a life quite opposite of this small village. Where the small village can only dream of surviving to the next day, the others indulge in pleasure only imaginable to this small village. This image can be a visual representation for many things such as various dystopian societies in popular culture, the real-life conditions of the Jew’s in world war II or perhaps a corrupted society found in today’s world. This is how Tim Neville portrays North Korea in his article, “The Great Pleasure Project” where he and his colleague decided to visit the secluded country for its new ski …show more content…

As Neville recollects that conversation, he uses two simple emotionless statements told him to signify the harsh living conditions in a flawed society. Reinsuring the American public, that their bias image from the country from the twenty-four news cycle is pristine. Now it is time to look at the other part of society. In most bleak worlds, when there is a poor faction, there is usually another faction living life in the most opposite of manners. Without a doubt, the same applies to the North Korean Regime. As Neville encounters a new breed of North Koreans in the ski resort which in general live a life much different than their poorer counterparts. They seem to exude real emotions. According to Neville, the local people at the ski resort are, “Laughing, speaking loudly, and brimming with … anticipation” (Neville para. 27). Vastly different from the other locals, Neville encounters a different kind of North Korean. Through the usage of imagery, Neville portrays a group jubilant to try something new in their lives. The author wants to show there is a vast difference in the local lifestyles in the country. A difference that portrays the immense difference between the two factions. However, this does not mean that the author is not trying to leap over the cultural bounds. Looking at different worlds, a broken world could be described as a world in midst of improvements. That cannot be said about North Korea. While Neville

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