
Literary Analysis: The Harlem Renaissance

Satisfactory Essays

The Harlem Renaissance was a literary, artistic, cultural, and intellectual movement that bein in the 19920s to 1930s. The movement brought up big issues in the live of African Americans throught many different arts. The writers of the Harlem Renaissance talked about African American culture and how it should be celebrated, embraced the beauty of their race, and wanted to end racial injustice. The African American writes focused on their culture in their writing. Langston Hughes was a very known harlem renaissance writer. His writing reflected the idea that black culture should be celebrated, and valualed. Also, Hurston wrote many pieces, using very clear writing to show African American culture should be celebrated.."Dat's a big ole resurrection lie, Ned. Uh slew-foot, drag-leg lie at dat, and Ah dare yuh tuh hit me too. Many wrtiers wrote about their culture and explained how white people admired their culture and so should we. …show more content…

The early 1900s was very challenging for African Americans and thie skin tone. Most were proud intheir heritage as some wasn't. With the Harlem Renissance they had dignity and their work showed that. A third major thing going on adressed by literature was race. Most of all the plays and novels had something to do with race in America, especially the race os African Americans. Claude McKay's sonnet, "If we must Die", dealt with racial injustice. Harlem Renissance housing even dealt with racial and prejudice ways. In conlusion, the legacy of the Harlem Renaissance has opened the door for black writers today .It brought on the relazation that "I can do it" and do it with dignity and power. The writers of the Harlem Renaissance talked about African American culture and how it should be celebrated, embraced the beauty of their race, and wanted to end racial

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