
Literary Characteristics Of Jack Kerouac's On The Road

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Jack Kerouac was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, wherein he roamed fields and riverbanks by day and night. He wrote his first novel written at the age of eleven. He also kept extensive diaries and newspapers. His parents, Leow and Gabrielle immigrated separately from rural Quebec to New Hampshire. His family French-Canadian dialect of Joual is used in their home. French was the first language to Kerouac. He was educated by Jesuit brothers in Lowell. He said that, he decided to become a writer at the age seventeen under the influence of Sebastian Sampas, New York local young poet. His literary influences are Saroyan, Hemingway, and Wolfe. Kerouac wished to develop his own new prose style, which he called ″Spontaneous Prose″. In which, he acknowledged the life of the American ″traveler″ and …show more content…

Kerouac was ecstatic at having established ″a new trend in American literature″. It is the American writer Burroughs and Cassady given Kerouac useful models of autobiographical narrative. Kerouac used first-person narration like that of Burroughs’s autobiography and imitates Cassady’s confessional style. He dramatizes the emotional effect of his road experiences in a rapid typist manuscripts.
Jack Kerouac's On the Road as an example of a work of fiction that approaches autobiography. Although all Kerouac's main novels contain elements of autobiography, the novel On the Road is presented as the fictional autobiography of Sal Paradise's road life. Kerouac involves himself in a "self-interview", that appears similar to Thoreau's heroic reading of his life. Instead of developing different narrative strategies, Kerouac uses four major trips, he made between 1947 and 1950 to convey the cultural, psychological, and spiritual changes that occurred. By examining his life as a fiction, Kerouac effectively frees himself from the confines of the narrator's role in autobiography and interprets his experiences with Neal Cassady beyond their historical

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