
Literary Genres In Oresteia

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A genre is defined as a specific set of characteristics used for works of literature, music, or films. There are many forms of genres that can be broad or narrow because they have certain characters and plots that makes them unique from others. Some broad literary genres include fiction and nonfiction, and other narrow literary genres include tragedy and poetry. Both fiction and nonfiction appeals to broad audiences because it deepens their understanding of worldviews. On the other hand, a tragedy portrays a series of tragic events that leads to the downfall of the protagonist. As for an epic, it tells a story poetically about the deeds and adventures of a hero during a particular time period. The tragedy, Oresteia consists of three plays …show more content…

This reveals that Gilgamesh is a dominant leader because he has absolute control on all aspects, which restricts freedom for the people of Uruk on a daily basis. Gilgamesh develops a no-limit mindset, so he have no intentions of reflecting on his indecent behavior towards the victims and persecuting young men for no reason.
As the story progresses, the narrator describes that Gilgamesh and Enkidu challenged themselves to a few tests for fame and honor. When the two approached the beast, Humbaba, phrases like “they stick out like tusks” (Mitchell, pg.120) and “he charges ahead like a raging torrent” (Mitchell, pg.120) allows the reader to picture what the creature looks like by giving a brief description. The attempts of killing Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven was a success, but an incurable illness befall Enkidu to repay for their sins. Gilgamesh goes on a journey to find the secret to living forever, but comes to understand that there is no such thing. When Gilgamesh comes to an end, the tone was appreciative because Gilgamesh learned to be value the things he had. Odyssey by Homer is another epic that describes the achievements of a hero throughout his adventures. The author introduces Odysseus as clever, faithful, and caring. The opening scene of Odyssey begins with the narrator claiming that the protagonist “plundered the hallowed heights of Troy” (Homer, pg.77).

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