
Literary Techniques Used In 'The Arctic Refuge' By Jimmy Carter

Decent Essays

Throughout his text, US President Jimmy Carter applies many types of literary devices, and persuasive elements to help strengthen his point view as well as appeal to his audience. He also displays his logical appeal in order to strengthen his argument. This is shown through his personal anecdotes, facts, as well as the personification of the nature and his choice of whimsical diction. As the passage begins, Carter begins to paint a picture for the audience, using emotional appeal to describe his time in the regions of the Arctic Refuge. He introduces his own personal experience regarding the topic. Through sharing his own experiences, Carter establishes a personal bond with the reader, which in turn would aid in the persuasion of his opinion. He continues on by mentioning one of the most “unforgettable and humbling” experiences of his life where him and his wife had witnessed the migration of caribou. By revealing that one of his most unforgettable experiences was also linked to the Arctic Refuge, he highlights the importance of these experiences for others to have. By establishing a personal connection with his audience, Carter is not only able to grasp their attention but also builds his credibility easily, through his use of facts and examples. …show more content…

By describing his experiences as “magnificent” and “timeless”, he implies a whimsical and original feel to the Refuge. He continues by personifying the elements of nature, painting a picture for the reader as he describes the “lichens that hugged the tundra” he animates the situation for the reader to relate. Through this personification Carter solidifies his emotional appeal and personal

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