
Literature And Fantasy Novels By Stephan King

Decent Essays

Stephan King, an American author of horror, supernatural fiction and fantasy novels, shares his thoughts on writing and how to become a good writer in the article named “On Writing”. According to him, the secret to being a good writer is in the writing and reading itself. Per Mr. King, one needs not only to write and read, but to enjoy doing it. As he wrote, there are no short cuts or easy ways to become a good writer without writing and reading a lot. Reading of books whether good or bad will help the future writer to find and develop his style. Per Mr. King the badly written books were of more help to him; reading them helped him to find out what mistakes not to make in his own writings. He wrote how reading a poor prose as Asteroid Miners showed him what not to do in his books. The author wrote that it is one of the first books he read and it was kind of an inspiration for him to start writing. King wrote, after he finished the book he said to himself “I can do better of that.” Even though the book was bad it was a very important part of his development as a writer. Mr. King concluded that reading is the key to success. He read seventy-eighty books per year; despite the fact he said he was a slow reader. Although his favorite genre is fiction, he read everything, horror, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy. As he wrote, he read for pleasure, not to study or analyze the writing. As long as it was a good story he is enjoyed it, and the learning process is inevitable.

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