
Literature Review On Hydrocodone

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In the past, media campaigns have focused on youth and marijuana misuse as well as underage drinking. It has not been until recently that there has been a need for educational programs focusing on the misuse of prescription opioids. The focus on this study will be to see if an intense media campaign that focus on the misuse of opioids and drug addiction has an effect on the prescription practices of physicians, specifically hydrocodone. I will run a webinar session with physicians who volunteer as participants. Physicians who volunteer for the study will watch one Webinar after which they will fill out an opinion questionnaire that asks their opinion on whether the video would be an effective teaching tool for patients needing pain medication. At the end of the media campaign I will focus on that state’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to see if the media campaign has any measurable effect on the physician’s opioid prescription rate. To determine this, data must be looked at over an extended period to determine the prescription rate before and after the media campaign. I will conclude the study by analysing the data to see if there was a significant change in the prescription rates of hydrocodone. I will also try to see if the media campaigns are memorable and an effective method of preventing opioid abuse. This will be done using the questionnaire.
Literature Review
The Opioid Epidemic Both Jones, Christensen and Gladden’s (2017) as well as Smolina,

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