
Literature and Other Arts

Decent Essays

It has always been highlighten the kinship between literature and other types of art. Described, a play in drama, while read, a play is literature. Many adaptations on screen are based upon literature, mostly novels, even if, the majority of great plays were already filmed by which, it stimulated the growing process in a young individual. In prsent day, the requirements in writing a film has affected many writers in their style and structure of the novel. Most of modern fiction is written with the purpose of having “movie rights”, another account taken by most publishers. Literature assures the libretto for operas, the theme for most tone poems – even so anomalous, a form as Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus Spake Zarathustra was interpreted in …show more content…

Therefore, at the age of 20 he stopped his activity, and with the help of Holman Hunt and Millais founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (1848). It represented his revolt against the academic principle that a young artist should start imitating the old masters,in a year of political revolutions. Rosetti’s poetry was mostly a matter of external contrivance and literary adaptation, unlike his sister, Christina Rosseti, which was altogether different; simple and unpretentious in language and versification, it seems neither cerebral nor calculated, but totally spontaneous. William Blake was “the most spiritual of artists”; he once said his life and work are a confusion of contraries: infinite patience and painstaking workmanship in the dawn of the Industrial Age: The dawning of mind – forged manacles in an age of rules, emotion in an age of reason; other – wordly presences involved in this world’s work; genius called madness. The greatness of Blake lies lies, perhaps, in his apocalyptic outlook than in his mastery, in art and verse of an extreme and moving simplicity. The lamb and The tyger are simmetry by waking a reference to the Lmab, the counterpart of the Tyger. They are the same in that they are both creations of God, tools of nature; different because the lamb represents innocence, youth, and a pleasant aspect of nature, while the tyger is powerfull, fearfull part of nature, more experienced, a deathly beastm

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