
Literature as a Lense

Decent Essays

Literature as a Lense
Photography over the last few years has developed and changed drastically. Cameras today take pictures that cameras the year before were not capable of capturing due to their ability for larger pixels and higher frame rates. With the ever increasing and technological advancement of the camera itself, the lenses have also undergone major redesign in order to more effectively capture the photographer’s subject. Two lenses today that are very popular are the twelve and forty millimeter lenses; the only difference is how much of a subject each lense can hold when viewed through the viewfinder. The forty millimeter lense is very focused and sets clear boundaries on what the subject of the photograph can be. For example, if shooting a horizon, the photographer will have to focus on a certain specific part when using the forty millimeter lense compared to using the twelve millimeter that has the potential to capture the whole horizon. Our minds are much like cameras in that we capture and record everything we want to, and specifically during high school, it is the ideas we choose to embrace that we capture. It is the works of literature that serve as the lenses for our minds. The student has a choice to view the horizon or the world as narrowly as they please or to view the whole picture. It is power of literature that opens the mind to the whole horizon. Much like how music stirs the emotions and makes the listener feel a certain way, literature takes an

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