
Liturgical Theology Chapter Summary

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Chan, Simon. Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshiping Community. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2006. Simon Chan, in his book Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshiping Community, challenges the Evangelical Pentecostal worldview through the lens of liturgy and sacrament. As a theologian in the Assemblies of God denomination, Chan poses the question, of whether the church is an instrument to accomplish God’s purpose in creation or an expression of God’s ultimate purpose itself. This is expressed through the term “divine-humanity,” each chapter slowly begins to unravel how the church should strive to be the object-Christ to the world, thus becoming its identity. The focus of the book began to combine such an expression of liturgical theology in the Pentecostal mindset. Chan engages the reader to critically analyze why church progressions are made in certain ways, as well as why we believe what we believe in the Pentecostal view. Shmeman, Aleksandr. For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1973. Aleksandr Shmeman's work For the …show more content…

Groeschel is professor of pastoral psychology at St. Joseph's Seminary in New York., while James Montis is an experienced researcher and writer on topics of Catholic historical interest, both together attempt to explain the theological, historical, and psychological reasons for Eucharistic devotion through this work. They give an account for how one must view the adoration of Eucharist. In regard to the Eucharist, the book goes on to delegate the presence of Christ within the bread and wine at each mass, and why. In the mist of understanding the presence Groschel and Monti give a defined outline of history, including evolution of this exact theological process called Eucharist. The text has many other sources included to define this essential need in our walk in sacramental living and adoration of

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