
Religious Serpent Handling: A Thematic Summary

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protects the believers from all evil. Even when people are faced with loved ones who have died because of the practice, they still believe that God protected the individual and cares for them in Heaven. Within this context, the strong beliefs of serpent handlers further reflect their worldview of transcendence and ultimacy. Additionally, the religious system helps the people of Appalachia helps the followers of the Holiness Church overcome their economic hardships through faith. Daugherty explains that the people of the Holiness Church praise the prophet Jesus as a simple carpenter who overcame his economic struggles. The poverty of Jesus Christ is a parallel to their own financial limitations. While he is praised in sermons, songs, and during mass, the scripture is often not the …show more content…

The differences in the churches exist because of a lack of central authority. However, the differences “varied in form, completeness, and clarity” create what MacMillan defines as the environing culture. These distinctions do not detract from the validity of the Holiness Church, but rather provides a religious framework in accordance with MacMillan’s definition.

Williamson and Pollio’s groundbreaking work “The Phenomenology of Religious Serpent Handling: A Rationale and Thematic Study of Extemporaneous Sermons,” studies various extemporaneous sermons in the Appalachian Mountain region to further understand the religious practices of the Holiness Church. The authors attended various churches in northern George from January 1995 to March 1996. During this time frame, they recorded about 18 extemporaneous sermons around the time of serpent handling. The authors explain that all 11 of the preachers were male preachers or ministers that had been members of the church for at least ten years. They explain that their study looked only at

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