
Live Free Project

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Before I get into detail about what the Live Young, Live Free Project is, I thought I'd give you guys a bit of a background as to how it began, as well as my roots and experiences which led me to come up with the idea for this project.

Inspired by Rory Kramer's line, "Dream, Create, Inspire.", I decided that I needed a motto to live my life by. One night, while lying in bed staring at my ceiling at 3am on a school night, a few words popped into my mind:

Live young, live free.

A quick google search revealed that nobody had really used that line before in any meaningful or super creative way.

Bingo. Found my motto :)

At the time of me writing this blog post, I am 18 years old, will be graduating high school in a week, and am very fortunate to be able to do photography and videography full time and make a decent living (for an 18 year old living with his parents) off of what I do for fun. While many of you reading this know who I am and what I do now, many of you don't know about the countless hours I've put into preparing myself to …show more content…

A wedding here. A photoshoot over there. Things were looking good for a 17 year old Tin. As I continued to improve my creative skills, eventually moving into portraits, I ran into my old cross country coach one day while shooting video for a swim meet at school. She had asked how I was doing, and I began telling her about all the photo and video things I've been doing since I transferred schools. She then pulls her husband, David Bracetty, aside and introduces me to him. I eventually met up with him to talk about what I was doing and how I could make more money, and on our second meeting he introduced me to his business partner Joe Berrios. They gave me a hard drive with some footage of a New Balance event they had shot, and that was the start of my career working with

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