
Acer's Lab

Decent Essays

“Buzz off! I don’t care whether you get injured or not, just get out of my way!”
Acer, who looks like a manipulated marionette, moved his body ridiculously while shouting thunderously and emerged from the crowd of hallway. Thankfully, all the other researchers had to drew themselves right against the wall. He—with the working clothes that makes him look comparably shorter— stirred his stubby fingers in the air and moved a big stone in the laboratory. Even though Acer invented this equipment that allows people to move heavy objects without touching few months ago, the equipment was struggling to move the heavy stone. Due to his red hair, he looked a lot like a thin maple tree. Unlike Acer’s gaunt look, his cave echo-like deep voice spoke. …show more content…

Amanda could tell by fire-like passion in Acer’s eyes that he is going to stick in his lab and never come out for a long time until he successfully combine the compositions.

Few weeks later, Amada visited Acer’s lab with a cup of coffee in her hand. As Amanda expected, the lab was a hodgepodge with all various kind of chemical equipment, Acer’s emaciated body was almost showing the knucklebones, and his greasy red hair streamed in front of the glasses.
“Oh yuck! What is this smell? Acer, when was your last meal?”
“Well, I don’t know. I think I had the shell of Trovant which almost broke my teeth.”
“Just drink this coffee.”
“O, thanks.”
Acer haphazardly picked up a beaker filled with filthy green liquid instead of coffee. Not knowing that, he moved the beaker closer to his mouth. Amanda appalled at Acer almost drinking the unknown liquid, and screamed.
“Stop what you are doing! And wake up!”

Amanda scrutinized the componential analysis chart lay next to her and sipped the coffee in her hand.
“There’s a subtle change between this composition and sulfuric acid. By the way, did you know that Trovant grows three to four centimeters in 1200 years? According to my research, it rapidly growth while raining, so don’t you think it distends by fusion of compounds of calcium rather than a particular element?
Also, did you know that some scientists think

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