
Liviu Librescu: A Brief Biography

Decent Essays

There have been many heroes who have impacted the world around us in many different ways. Some heroes have saved others from burning buildings or from crashes of airplanes or cars. One major hero in our society who had a significant impact was someone who saved twenty individual students’ lives during a large shooting. He was a professor at Virginia Tech at the time of when the shooting took place, and his name was Liviu Librescu. His courageous actions of sacrificing himself to save others have been one of the most heroic and selfless actions. Liviu Librescu hasn’t always been in America all his life. He was born in Ploiesti, Romania during World War II on August 18th, 1930 (“Biography of a Hero”). At the time in the war, Romania was allied with the German Nazis; therefore, his father, Isidore Librescu, was deported to a labor camp in Transnistria. He lived in a Jewish ghetto with his family, except for his dad, and they always felt at risk while living there during the Holocaust period. Once he survived through the Holocaust, he began his interest in learning at school. Once he got a little older, he began to study aerospace engineering at Bucharest Polytechnic University, and he graduated from there in 1952 (“Liviu Librescu Biography”). After his time in college and universities, Liviu tried to immigrate his family to the country of Israel, but the communist government of Romania would not let him (“We Remember: Liviu Librescu”). After years of denial for

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