

Decent Essays

Launching a new program must to be original “If you have always done what you always did, you'll always get what you always got” is a standard line of thought in many addiction treatment programs" (Leach, E. C., & R. M. (2007, May 1). However, in this case, Pam didn’t get what she expected to get due to the lack of knowledge of the group of people that she was trying to target with this new program at LDC.
1)What adjustments would you make at this point? Would you cancel the program or run it at a loss?
At this point, I would likely choose to run the program at loss and I would keep working with the resources that I have to try to improve or at least avoid lose more of what I already did. I would try to compare my planning strategy with …show more content…

She failure to add an extra important last step after the brochures were sent. LDC gave 12 weeks for people register. Pam had enough time to monitoring the Senior Executive feedback. The program also failed because Pam judged two different types of manager as one whole group of people. Each of these group has their own identities and needs in the company.What it may work for one may not work for the other group of manager. That’s what survey is helpful. It gives you a better idea on how to approach your plan to certain people. According to the 12 steps of launching a new program written by Elizabeth Leach and Robin Marks, one of the seven questions that you might ask yourself before decide your marketing plan is " Which target audiences, existing relationships, and advertising/PR venues will support this initiative?" Once you understand your audience, you can plan so. I believed the planning process was well planned out beside of the outcome. The weaknesses was pictured the senior executive and mid-level manager as one whole group and not divide according their needs and identities. She was more focus on getting the steps done as it was in the past on other programs than monitoring each of these steps carefully to see if the steps would help her to meet her

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