
Relapse Rate

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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the relapse rate is 40-60%. Not only do we need better alternatives to recovery for alcohol and drug addiction, but we must lower the relapse rate. In order to successfully lower the relapse rate we must inform people on the effect gateway drugs can have on future addictions, educating about relapse and addiction and focusing on key factors to making a treatment a successful one. My research on lowering relapse rates taught me that the problem is not getting sober, its staying sober.

To begin with,people between the ages of 15 through 20 should not use gateway drugs due to the drug and relapse rates. A gateway drug is a beginner’s drug that leads to the usage of more dangerous drugs. Marijuana …show more content…

Not only do they get incarcerated but they are consisntly being reincarceated. A study was done approved by The Washington State University Institutional Review Board, 105 women at a treatment center that previously were involved in illegal activities wanted to successfully finish treatment and maintain the ability to be safe and sober back in society. The women were not just previously involved in illegal activities but also have hide variety of history involving substance use and mental health issues. The programs main objective was to treat each individual for addiction and criminal behavior. Each individual was required to complete baseline assessment after a certain amount of weeks, in addition to collecting medical record. Soon they started the “Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention which wanted to help each individual realize they are in “automatic pilot” when it comes to relapse. Being an automatic pilot means being able to recognize cravings and what triggers the relapse. They taught each women in the study how to handle the want of relapsing in real life situations. The outcome showed that the the most helpful part of treatment was sober space taught at the end of treatment. The outcome showed that only approximately 11% of the women reported to relapse. The study showed that substance abuse for criminal offenders is an effective way to reduce reduce relapse rates. More treatments should look into the Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention study because it showed to have been more effective that usual treatment. It shows that active treatment in addition to after treatment care can be effective. This study shows various techniques that can be used for criminals to lower the relapse rate but can be used for treatment among individuals who are not criminals as

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