Did you know that the average college student will be $28,400 in debt, after graduating? crazy right! Tuition in colleges and universities today are in an all time high and students are in more debt than any other time in history. There are many ways to address this issue but, what I believe to be the best solution is creating a “Loan forgiveness program”.
I found this idea while reading an article on free college tuition, when I looked at the comments, Mr. Paul “Loans Forgiveness program” is the best way to address this issue. First, college costs lots of money. I get it someone has to pay for it. However students come out of college with so much debt that it makes living that much harder than it already is. There are debates about “free
Student loan debt affects college students all over the United States. Today students are having to take out loans in order to pay for all of their college expenses. It can be a pain to deal with the hassle of paying back the loans. The problems with student loans include causing students to go into debt that they are not able to pay them off in the given time which makes them put major life decisions on hold, and the debt stay with the student even through bankruptcy. A solution that would solve these problems is the idea of debt forgiveness which is the idea that the government will get rid of all the loan debt for college graduates.
In her essay “Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea,” Kayla Webley argues that forgiving debt could be a bad idea. Her article was exceptionally influential in demonstrating the way that the payment would put the nation in a bad position. It would send the wrong message to individuals who attended a university and the individuals who didn’t. Webley touched on Robert Applebaum’s petition to provide a one-time bailout of student loan debt.
According to the Institute for College Access and Success, about seventy-one percent of students from a four-year university, graduates with student debt. Student debt alter from graduation from a public college or private non-profit college estimating around 25,000 to 39,000 dollars. With the Student Loan Forgiveness Program, it allows students the option to choice a firm career path, join the military branch, and better their life knowing the student debt will be reduced or forgiving. (“Average student loan debt, 1993-2012.”)
The price of higher education is a long burden and many recent graduates are struggling to covered their student loans. With this in mind, the idea of a student loan forgiveness program can be seen like a big relief. As a result, Kayla Webley arguments that if is a good idea to forgive student loan debts. Webley wrote her response on a Time magazine article called Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea? on April 20, 2012. As a college student, we can argument that a forgiveness program will be a great idea but as a taxpayer I might have some doubts. For that reason, I believe that Webley’s essay surely presents an effective argument on the issue. For instance, Webley states that “it’s easy to see why forgiving student debt holds some appeal.
Student debt is becoming a big issue that is affecting many individuals in the United States, some having to decide between going to school or being in debt for years after they have finished their education. Most people want to have a great paying career and need to go to school for many years but do not have the financial means to pay for college or qualify for financial aid, seeking other options to get their education such as applying for student loans or credit cards. College students should not be worried about how much debt is being accumulated and how it can affect them in their future. This paper will examine the possible solutions to student debt such as student forgiveness, allowing bankruptcy, or eliminating private lending agencies. Having these options will help students with a good paying career from living paycheck to paycheck and become more financially stable.
In the article “Is forgiving student loan debt a good idea” by Kayla Webley, a writer for Time, Webley feels that from a human standpoint forgiving student debt holds some appeal (2). Kayla Webley refers to Robert Applebaum who started a petition in 2009 with a petition of nearly 670,000 signatures. The comments from persons posting the petition are quoted as “guessing this will never happen but it can’t hurt to sign on” (1). Burdened with an estimated $88,000 in debt, Applebaum’s proposal is to provide a one-time bailout, of student loan debt-as a way to stimulate the still limp economy (2). Webley goes on to explain that such a plan has a problem. The problem being is that with an educational bailout most borrowers who can and should pay off their student loan would take this bailout, along with the students who really can not afford their loan payments and need the relief from their student loans. In Webley’s words “If forgiveness from a bailout was offered, who wouldn’t take the handout (3).
Did You know college debt in the United States estimates to about $1trillion?Pretend you just graduated college and you are ready to get your life started. You start fresh, find a good paying job, and boom, you get hit with tons and tons of debt that you owe. Now you’re stuck not being able to have as much money as you’re making because you have to pay off all of that debt. College debt is what a student in college is paying to attend that college. Before the late 20th century, college debt wasn’t as big of a problem as it is today.
The United States needs to look to other nations that have figured out the necessity of higher education to be at an affordable cost if not free. In 2015, college graduates are facing on average just north of $35,000 in student debt (Berman). In part, the government has reduced the federal funding that each college receives each year. Therefore, colleges have constantly raised the
Student debt is a topic that generates a lot of debates. From politicians to lenders to students, everyone has an opinion on the topic. With a trillion dollar national debt, it’s not surprising why the topic is such a huge issue and the solutions are even greater. The student debt is a form of debt that is owed when a student has completed college or drop out. The average interest rates for the ungraduated and graduated are 4.45% to 6% (Quadlin). To pay off all the students’ debt, it will take 10-25 years to complete it. College students will have at least six months before they have to make the first payment. Student debts can be a real problem for those who aren’t preparing for them. Student loans debt should have a longer grace period, lower monthly payments and repayment programs that apply to all because students will be able to manage and repay their debts in a timely manner.
Today, the number of people who have borrowed money to pay their expenses for college, has been rising. In addition, colleges have been increasing the amount charged on students who receive an education. An article states that “tuition is increasing at a rate double that of inflation”, for this reason, the amount of money a student has to pay back has been increasing (Webley). According to the article “Even if you don't have student loans, you should want them to be forgiven”, the author, Lisa Schmeiser, states that “Approximately 44 million people in the U.S. have borrowed for student loans... debt standing at approximately $1.3 trillion today”.
In the United States today, the number of students graduating college with student loan debt is quite astonishing. In the article titled, “How the $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy”, we will examine and break down the student loan debt crisis by the numbers. Today, almost two-third’s of students graduating college are graduating with an average of $26,000 in debt. For most students, $26,000 is a lot of money when the average annual income for a first year graduate is only in the mid $40,000 a year range. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, student loan debt has reached a new milestone, crossing the $1.2 trillion mark (Denhart, 2013, Introduction, par. 2). With student loan debt levels
Students on average have more than 25000 dollars in student loan debt they have to pay back because of this debt; The incredible amount of debt creates issues of students struggling to pay that money back.In order for students
If you have heard of student loan forgiveness but don't quite understand what it is, you will want to read this. We are going to discuss the most frequently asked questions about student loan forgiveness. When you are done reading, you should have a good idea how student loan forgiveness works and if it is a good choice for you.
Over the last decade student loan debt has risen substantially and is now one of the largest form of personal debt in America, totaling about one trillion dollars, with 71 percent of students who earn a bachelors degree graduating with debt, with the average amount of debt being $29,400.
With the ever-increasing tuition and ever-tighten federal student aid, the number of students relying on student loan to fund a college education hits a historical peak. According to a survey conducted by an independent and nonprofit organization, two-thirds of college seniors graduated with loans in 2010, and each of them carried an average of $25,250 in debt. (Reed et. al., par. 2). My research question will focus on the profound effect of education debt on American college graduates’ lives, and my thesis statement will concentrate on the view that the education policymakers should improve financial aid programs and minimize the risks and adverse consequences of student loan borrowing.