
Lobsterman Monument Dbq

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There are many monuments in the world and they are all built to honor someone or something that was done by that person. For example, after the Maine Lobsterman was built, the fake bronze statue returned to Maine and spent several decades being moved from city hall to museum to museum. No one seemed to want the man and his lobster. The issue at hand is if the monuments being built are memorializing the person or moment created accurately. Monuments capture legacy and preserve the individual's actions throughout history. Specifically, monuments should consider purpose, location, and size in their creation.

The purpose of many monuments is to honor and protect the legacy of some of America's greatest heroes. Kirk Savage in the book Monument …show more content…

In the book Monument Wars by Kirk Savage, "the monumental core in Washington functions somewhat like a pilgrimage site, where communities of believers actually come together in the act of occupying a holy site, seeing a relic, reenacting a sacred event" (source A). The Lincoln Memorial meets the "criteria" by having the location pertain to Washington D.C. and Lincolns presidency and him living in Washington District of Columbia. The memorial itself contains no actual relic of Lincoln. it is pure representation- a colossal marble statue. (source A). The Lobsterman monument never really had a place, to begin with. "the artist just slapped a coat of bronze paint over the plaster model and shipped it to New York” (source F). This quote itself shows that in the making of this monument for the new york world fair in 1939 it was never well put together, and it now is in storage. Having the monument in Washington D.C. is ridiculous due to the fact that it had nothing to do with Washington D.C. in the first …show more content…

In the book, Cemetery faces an uncertain future Jason Kosareff states the crazy horse cemetery has more than 3,000 graves in the cemetery and a 4-acre graveyard at 9263 valley blvd. The size of the crazy horse cemetery captures not only the importance but the meaning. However the size of the area can come at a price, "unless something happens and we get the money from somewhere, I don't know how were going to make it" (source D) said Rosie Gutierrez, treasurer for the El Monte Cemetary Association (source D). The size of the Holocaust museum as said by Christine Musser in the book Preserving Memory: National Holocaust Memorial museum controversy the museum is dubbed as " too massive. The members of the commission felt the massive building would overcome The Mall and take away the main purpose of the museum" (source E). The size can be detrimental whether it is cost wise or the Museum overpowers other aspects of the area around

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