
Locally Grown Food Research Paper

Decent Essays

One of the most exciting and promising food trends currently sweeping the nation is local food. Local food is grown locally, shipped to local markets, and sold to people no more than 25-50 miles from its origin. This trend is making big waves in the food world and it has many people asking: is local food worth all the hype?

Many people believe that local food is inherently better. Here are a handful of reasons why we think locally grown food is so much better for you than nationally grown food.

Tastier and Fresher

First of all, locally grown food is much fresher than food shipped across the country. Since it can only be grown seasonally and isn't pumped full of pesticides and preservatives, locally grown food is almost always picked and …show more content…

In laboratory tests, they shower denser and more active concentrations of nutrients, with fewer instances of nutrient deterioration and destruction.

This higher nutrition value is linked inherently to its freshness. Nationally grown food often sits around warehouses and on store shelves for weeks and even months at a time. This waiting period causes its nutritional value to plummet to very low levels.

Locally grown food hasn't had time to lose its nutritional value. It is basically hand-delivered to you fresh out of the ground. As a result, you can cook it and experience the full range of nutritional benefits that you deserve.

Fewer Pesticides

Big-business high-profit farms often use an excessive amount of pesticides to control the insect infestations on their farms. While this may result in somewhat healthier food, it exposes you and your family to a wide variety of health risks. And contrary to the rumors big business farms are spreading, pesticides are more harmful than natural food carcinogens.

Small, local farmers are usually less aggressive with pesticides and often prefer all-natural and organic pest control methods. At the very least, they can't afford to douse their food in nasty sounding chemicals

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