
Locke And His Conditions For The Establishment Essay

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Locke and his Conditions for the Establishment And Dissolution of Government Over the course of human history, governments have formed and dissolved, but it is important to look at the forces that drive these changes and cycles of power. John Locke attempts to explain this phenomenon in his Second Treatise of Government by discussing why societies form in the first place and under what conditions these governments or sovereigns can be deposed. Locke’s political theories pave the way of how we should begin to think about the government, its duties, and our relationship with it. However, some of Locke’s theories regarding politics, namely his opinions concerning majority rule, tacit consent and the judgment of the people, need to be more fleshed out so that they are more applicable to the real world. Locke’s political theories about majority rule revolutionized the way that people began to view the government and they shaped the way that we perceive societies today. When Locke published his Second Treatise of Government in 1689, King William III ruled as the absolute monarch of England (PBS 1). During and prior to this time period, monarchs had full authority over their subjects, regardless of popular consensus or the majority rule of the public. The king could suspend laws passed by other bodies of government, like Parliament, as he wished. This kind of power was supposedly bestowed on royal families by God, an ideology known as the Divine Right of Kings. Locke, on the

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