
Loic Wacquant Alleges

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Sociologist Loic Wacquant alleges that the state has been sponsoring and creating racism and discrimination and the latest iteration of this discrimination is the incarceration levels of African Americans. Wacquant would praise the stands that Sanders take on racial inequality in the United States; he would chastise the republicans for ignoring the issue of race but he would also disagree with Trump most predominantly because of his stand on immigration.
Loic Wacquant would ally himself with democrats Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley for their passion and urgency to eliminate injustices that minorities face in the United States
When asked whether “Black Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter”, Bernie Sanders vehemently demanded that “Black Lives Matter.” Sanders displayed outrage at the social injustice that African Americans experience. Sanders cited cases such as Sandra Bland, a black woman who was arrested for a minor traffic violation and subsequently found hanging in her jail cell, which she should not have been subjected to in the first place. Sanders asserted that he would “combat institutional racism from top to bottom” and he would implement “major reforms in a broken criminal justice system.” He finishes his answer by reiterating that the new president needs to …show more content…

Wacquant would support the positions taken by Bernie Sanders that “Black Lives Matter” and major reforms need to be employed to combat institutional racism. Wacquant would disagree most strongly with Donald Trump based on his plan to close the US-Mexico border that would create racial tension with documented and undocumented immigrants. Loic Wacquant would ultimately vote for Bernie Sanders for president because of his refusal to accept anything else but complete reform of the criminal justice system and institutional racism from the top to the

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