
Loneliness And Isolation In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In this excerpt of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the scene reveals the creature’s desperation to befriend the DeLaceys to escape his loneliness. After approaching the old DeLacey, he expresses his yearning for companionship and protection from the family. However, Felix, Safie, and Agatha suddenly enter the hovel and confront the creature. The “horror” (96) on the faces of his friends and being struck “violently with a stick” (97) show the rejection that the creature experiences. His only link to humanity is broken and he is isolated from society. This passage exhibits the central theme of loneliness as experienced by the creature. The excerpt shows that loneliness is caused by rejection from society, companionship is desired, and isolation …show more content…

He is isolated from society, and it is proven when the DeLacey family rejects the creature for his appearance. This passage parallels the creature’s first rejection by his own creator, Victor Frankenstein. Due to the his ugliness, Victor abandons his creation because of his “disgust” (35). As a result, the creature is left to explore the world on his own without guidance. His appearance causes him to be feared by nearly everyone he sees, and thus, he is isolated. Earlier, when the creature encounters an old man, he “shrieked loudly” (73) and ran out of his hut. His physique is such a cause of alarm for others, that even strangers leave their houses in fear. However, this passage shows the “kindness” that the blind DeLacey showed. Since he could not see, the old DeLacey was the only person who would listen to the creature, because he could not judge his appearance. He had empathy. Still, the creature faced rejection. Subsequently, he believed that “solitude [was his] only consolation” (61). The creature used isolation as a coping mechanism for his constant rejection. However, this only contributed to his loneliness and suffering. The creature even compares himself to the “devil” (93) to emphasise his seclusion. He uses this analogy to show his despair because even the enemy of God “had his companions” (93). Frankenstein’s creation is physically and emotionally alone because he is the only one of his kind. He is not accepted because of his deformities. Therefore, rejection from society, is the cause of his

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