
Looking At American History : What Was The Key Factor Of The Problem For The Past 1900 Years?

Decent Essays

Looking at American history, anyone can see that many problems started to show up in the middle 1900’s that were never a problem for the past 1900 years. One wonders why what was a sin since the creation of the world doesn’t seem to be a ‘biggy’ anymore. If one were to look in to the history of Christianity in America they will notice a great change that affected everything afterwards. The key factor of many of the problems in America is the cause of taking God out of schools. Up until 1962, the typical American school would use the Bible as their starting block of education. The students would learn how to read by reading the Bible. They would obtain great knowledge from the Bible and learn the principals of life. The students would also grow in their faith in God at school. Although there were time periods when America walked away from God, after several national revivals, America was one of the most prestigious countries in the world. In the middle of America was God. Though many people may have never known God in a personal relationship, most of the people knew that there is a God and there was no doubt about it. Many people with a perfect life can admit that life is too good and perfect so there just needs to be some drama to make it interesting. So also America was so good that some people decided to make drama or a fuse about having God in schools and have prayer time part of the school schedule. So in 1962, Supreme Court voted 8-1 that “School-sponsored prayer in

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