
Looking Back At The Dream Martin Luther King Jr.

Decent Essays

Looking back at the dream Martin Luther King Jr. had, he envisioned for social equality in this nation. Today that dream in some aspects it is still existent. Although he died for fighting for his dream; unfortunately, it is broken in many ways. His legacy and his dream have lived on for decades but I don’t know that it is still alive today for multiple reasons.
While the Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal,” even after the civil war people of color still received vastly different treatment from whites. They weren’t allowed in many public schools, they had to eat at separate restaurants, use separate bathrooms, and different drinking fountains. The idea was to keep blacks “separate but equal.” Martin Luther King Jr. 's dream will become reality when race isn 't what 's used to think of people as different. His dream was that everyone would be equal, and no one would be thought of as different. That won 't happen until race isn 't a “big issue” in the United States. If we apply for something like a job or scholarship, it asks for racial background. Why should that matter at all? There are scholarships that only certain races are allowed to apply for. If the whole point of this country is to end racism, then why are students being treated unfairly with certain scholarships? This could be a first step for a way to end racism. I think that progress has been happening very slowly, but not enough for it to completely come to an end.
His dream,

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