
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

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In any society, it is sometimes necessary to behave in what is known as “typical behavior”. This is done not only blend into the people around you but to also make sure you are not singled out. Often, when people are different they are looked down upon in society and usually face hardships because of their differences. This is expressed in various pieces of literature in the way the characters behave and the overall plot of the story. In the novel, “ The Lord of the Flies” and the story “ Harrison Bergeron” The theme of leading only when it is safe and following when it is not is present. By Jack and Ralph's attempt to rule leading to people getting hurt, Lord of the flies expresses the theme of leading only when it is safe and following when it is not. The story, “the Lord of The Flies” takes place on an abandoned island in which a society of kids is forced to survive with no adults. Eventually, the boy's group together to from one tribe so that they survive and eventually get off the island. Despite their coming together, arguments start to break out. These disputes between the two somewhat leaders Jack and Ralph eventually lead a split in the tribe in which sides are chosen. Both are very headstrong and believe they are right making an effort not to concede to the other. The disputes display how when people decide to lead when it's dangerous it leads to problems or even death. The text mentions “ "Which is better--to be a pack of painted Indians like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?" A great clamor rose among the savages. Piggy shouted again. "Which is better--to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?" “The rock struck Piggy….Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red” ( Golding). Just by speaking out Piggy is killed by one of Jack's tribe members. Had piggy followed Jack his safety would be ensured along with Ralph if he did not decide to stand up. This demonstrates that by people should only lead when they are in a safe well-held position of power and should follow when they instead are threatened and could potentially be in danger. Harrison Bergeron being killed when trying to lead in dangerous

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