
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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Power allows humans the ability to do what they want in life. It provides people with the feeling of dominance over others and the capability to possess a leadership role. William Golding symbolizes the desire and consequences for power through objects in the story Lord of the Flies. In the novel, a tribe of youthful boys is stranded on a tropical island with no civilization or society to guide them. Ralph, the striking protagonist, is elected chief and gains authority over the group, despite protests from the antagonist, Jack. Overcome with the lust for power, Jack strives to obtain control, bringing him and his followers to their downfall. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies exemplifies how obsession and abuse of power can lead to the annihilation of identity, the destruction of purpose, and the blurring of judgment. Humans change for better or for worse, and it often corroborates with their understanding of themselves. Throughout the novel, Jack is shown to be a dynamic character as he undergoes a personality change due to the ramifications of needing power. The eradication of Jack’s identity turns him from the star head choir boy to a relentless killer. In the beginning of the novel, Jack is unable to kill a pig, as Golding states, “They knew very well why he hadn’t: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood” (Golding 29). The fear of slitting the pig’s throat exhibits Jack’s innocence, but it shows

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