
Lord Of The Flies: Civilization

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Civilization and Order in Lord of the Flies
Civilization and order are two important themes in William Golding's Lord of the Flies. The characters within the novel are a group of English boys with a leader named Ralph who attempted to form a civilized society on the island where they were stranded. Various rules and laws were formulated for their survival and rescue. The leader enforced the laws, and held meetings for the boys to express their opinions. Throughout the book, these rules became a part of the boys’ lives, but how did these rules affect their society? When rules and laws are followed, a civilized society is prevented from its retrogression.
A set of laws ensures that key elements of civilization are maintained within a society. …show more content…

This is shown in the novel during one of the boys’ meetings at night when Jack disrespected the rules that Ralph had set. He rejected the idea of civilization and wanted to live like savages. “‘Jack! Jack!’ ‘The rules!’ shouted Ralph, ‘you’re breaking the rules!’ ‘Who cares?’ Ralph summoned his wits. ‘Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got!’ But Jack was shouting against him. ‘Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat-” (99). As a result of Jack’s insolent attitude towards the law and order, the other boys copied Jack’s behaviour, whooping wildly and leaping into the night. The civilized meeting was ended abruptly and the boys created mayhem by mock hunting, laughing hysterically, chanting, and dancing. The members of their society began to reject the idea of calm talk and replaced it with violence and disorder. Secondly, as the frenzy was going on, Piggy wanted Ralph to restore the order by blowing the conch, a symbol of power, to call the boys back. Piggy urged him to be tough in rule enforcement so that the boys would not run around recklessly. But, Ralph said that if he blew the conch but the boys did not return, then the order of their society would be destructed. The rules would never be followed again, and the boys would become uncivilized savages. So, disobeying laws will have a reverse impact on an advanced society by causing its

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