
Lord Of The Flies Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

The story is one that has been told many times before, in different forms, times, and circumstances. One is a story of survival, that teaches the nature of humankind, and the dangers of the unknown. Two such pieces are The Lord of the Flies chapter one and Lost- “Pilot Parts one and two”; they have a setting, basic plot, characterization, and symbolism in common. To begin, the two storylines both have the same background and setting. First, in The Lord of the Flies, a plane is filled with children aged six to twelve who have been placed there to escape a nuclear threat. However, plans go awry and the plane crashes on an island, leaving them stranded and without help or aid. Similarly, in Lost, the a plane of passengers are on a typical …show more content…

In particular, in both stories, natural leaders emerge. Ralph becomes the “chief” of the gang of children- he runs meetings, takes care of children, and manages work- he is in responsible for the island and those on it. Likewise, Jack, a doctor from the real world, naturally steps forward to fill the shoes of leadership when he takes control of a chaotic crash and assesses what can and needs to be done. Notably, some people are revealed by their actions in their situations. As shown in the novel, Jack is a tough guy who quickly adapts to the tough times, even showing a willingness to kill when he hunts the pig, and this closely relates to many on the other island. Many in both situations are quick to turn on each other and seek only to help themselves in these tough situations. Similarly, symbols also connect survivors to the outside world. Lord of the Flies uses a conch shell to convey authority among the boys. In Lost, a gun is very fought over, not because it is incredibly dangerous, but because it symbolizes the power and civilization that was left behind when they crashed in the island. To sum it all up, characterization and symbols are very important in the development of both of these plot lines. To finish, Lord of the Flies and Lost are very similar due to the fact that they have in common everything from setting, basic plot, characterization,

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