
Lord Of The Flies Egalitarianism

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Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by William Golding, telling the tale of a group of young boys and how their attempt to recreate civilization on a deserted island eventually leads to savagery and primitivity. In the beginning of the novel, the boys discover a conch shell, and use it as a way to promote democracy by letting whoever hold it speak uninterrupted. The elected leader of the boys also encourages the rest to build a signal fire in hopes of getting rescued. Near the climax of the novel, after savagery has taken over most of the boys, a sow’s head, named as Lord of the Flies, is cut and given as an offering to a beast that the boys believe exists somewhere on the island. Golding develops the thematic concept of a desire for …show more content…

Ralph, the leader of the boys, finds the conch on the beach when he first arrives on the island, and decides as a rule that they should all “pass the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking…and he won’t be interrupted” (33). When the boys agree to follow this rule, the conch becomes a symbol of democracy, and embodies a society in which everyone has the right to express themselves without being shut down for it. However, as Golding wants to convey to the reader that this does not exist in mankind, the novel takes a drastic, nasty turn towards the end, in which Piggy is murdered. A savage named Roger launches an enormous rock from a cliff-side, and “the rock strikes Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch explodes into a thousand tiny white fragments and ceases to exist” (209). It is fitting that both Piggy and the conch get physically obliterated at the same time because Piggy is the one boy among all that is seen constantly pleading for everyone to stick to the rules. By including the conch and Piggy being abolished at the end of the book, it is being expressed that all form of civilization has been lost, the conch and the one character who was the most civil. This point in the novel communicates to the reader that savagery has taken over for good, marking the end of law and order on the …show more content…

Simon, the purest of all the children, encounters the Lord of the Flies, which speaks to him: “You knew didn’t you? I’m part of you? I’m the reason why it’s no go?” (143). The diction in this segment conveys to the reader that the beast the boys are afraid of, exists in themselves, preventing them from even having a chance of being rescued. The novel proceeds on an even ghastlier path when the Lord of the Flies tells Simon, “You’re not wanted. Understand? We’re going to have fun on this island” (144). From these sentences the reader has confirmed that Simon is unwanted by the rest of the savages because he is not a savage himself. When the Lord of the Flies says that they are going to have fun on the island, it means to tell Simon that the savages’ form of “fun” has changed from playing in the sand and water, to hunting and killing. Perhaps the most crucial piece of dialogue coming from the Lord of the Flies, is when it tells Simon that “[they] shall do [him]. Jack and Roger and Maurice and Robert and Bill and Piggy and Ralph. Do [him]” (144). This conversation is a way of foreshadowing Simon’s murder; the Lord of the Flies refers to this as “doing him.” There is also great significance in the sow’s head mentioning all of the boys’ names, including those who don’t seem to be savages, like Ralph and Piggy. This is

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