
Lord Of The Flies Leadership Analysis

Decent Essays

The only time there is effective leadership is when leaders work together. Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding is about a group of British boys that get stranded on an uninhabited island when their plane crashes. They soon realize that they have to take on the task of governing themselves. There are three main characters that attempt to take on the leadership role of leading everyone else, Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. Rather than leading together, the characters become divided and end up splitting into separate tribes, immediately setting themselves up for failure. Successful leadership occurs when people work together in order to achieve a common goal or compromise on one. The characters prove themselves to be the opposite of successful leaders throughout the book. When the boys arrived at the island, they didn’t know what to do. Many were more concerned with playing than figuring out how to survive. Ralph was the first of the boys to take a stand and say that there needed to be order. He thought of ways to increase both their chances of survival and chances of being rescued. He thought of ideas, such as building huts and creating a constant fire in order to increase the chances of being seen by rescuers and organizes boys to start building huts and make sure that there is a fire running. People are on board with Ralph at first, but he begins to lose control. Ralph slowly starts to realize that his position of power is losing meaning. In chapter six, he says, "I'm

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