
Lord Of The Flies Monologue

Decent Essays

I was just playing with the little-uns you see. They are the best at playing boar. If they get hurt, what that matter. It's not like do anything useful anyway. We tried to get Ralph to play with us, but he was too busy sulking in the corner. He said that our boar-game is dangerous and someone could get hurt. Pfft! He's starting to sound more like Piggy every day.

After a while, we see that it's beginning to get dark. I wanted to keep playin' but Ralph says that we should head near the fire, for safety. I told him we reckon’ not. But he states firmly that we should. I say that I want to go hunting, but Ralph says that that’s even more dangerous than staying here and playing. Mmmph! That jerk, always being bossy and grown-up-y. I decided that …show more content…

Just to, you know, keep everyone in line. But it was scary to find out that my stories, were true. But I won't let that stop me! I will hunt down that beast even if it takes me forever. And like that pig, I will tear it from limb to limb. Anyone who tries to stop me will end up like the pig …show more content…

Instead, I have to walk down this boring lagoon. During that time was when I found the two bottles. I was sitting on a rock beside the water when the waves started crashing and two bottles with something inside of them bumped up onto the sand. I jumped up, at first scared. The bottles seemed to look like a monster for a second.

When my eyesight focused I jumped up again with realization and picked up the bottles. They seem to have paper and pens in them. Excited, I immediately started to run to the rest of the kids that were roaming around the fire.

"Looky here!" I shouted. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing to watch me. "A pen and paper in them bottles washed up on shore!"

Ralph, who was playing with the little ones before, rushed to me and grabbed the bottles out of my hand.

“This is perfect” Ralph shouted, “We can send out a message to the grown-ups so they could find us!”

I quickly snatched away the bottles from him. “I found them first!” I quarreled, “They're mine.

He said that “I'm the leader so they’re now mine” He grabbed them back and begin to examine them. “We write letters and send them out so others could find us,” he said.

“Fine,” I said, “There's one for you but what about the other one?” He said that since we're two leaders, we should be the ones to write the

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