
Power In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies Essay Certain people act differently when they have so much power because they never know what to do with it. In Lord Of The Flies by William Golding there is many ways of showing that people abuse power. In the novel Ralph is the leader and he was picked by all the boys that are in the island with him. Jack was one of the boys who turned wild and wasn’t fair with any of the boys and he wanted to become leader and take over and turned all the boys to kill. People shouldn’t have so much power or citizens shouldn’t feel afraid of those who have that type of power. People abuse power because it makes them think they can do so many things if they take over and win all that power. When someone has all that power they abuse it by being in control and just being a leader and they would want more and more power. If a person were to have so much power and just didn’t know what to do with it, it would make that person controlling and think he/she could do whatever they want whenever they wanted to.In the article Stanford Prison Experiment Continues to Shock by Alastair Leithead it said “It was a bit of a bore, so I made the decision I would take on the persona of a very cruel prison guard.” Also in the article Power without statues can lead to rudeness, even abuse By the CNN said “say I’m filthy five times, say I am not worthy five times, bark like a dog three times, state three negative personal traits and count backward from 500 in increments of seven.” I do agree with those evidences from two different articles because one of the articles which is the Stanford Experiment that ended wrongly then the professor thought it would. Also it turned into a total mental breakdown for the fake prisoners because the men who acted like real guards treated them like if they were actual criminals. In the second part of my evidence from the article Power without status it says how students chose a activity for others to perform on how prisoners from Iraq were treated and the soldiers physically and sexually abused the prisoners. The boys on the island turn into total savages and started to turn against each other. To certain people having so much power can make them become savages and make other

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