
Lord Of The Flies Quotes

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In order for Jack to come to power, he uses the boy’s fear of the island while telling them that he will lead them to hunt and kill the beast. Currently, on the island, the beast was in everyone's thoughts and dreams. During the night, the littluns would scream during their sleep due to a figure known as the beast. Jack exclaims to Ralph that there was no beast on the island and there is nothing to be afraid of. Later on, in chapter 5 during an assembly, Jack declared that “...We’re strong–we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat–!” (91). Jack is exclaiming to the boys that there is a beast and he will hunt it down and beat it, even though he previously said to Ralph that the beast is a myth …show more content…

By saying that he will hunt down the beast, he is reassuring the boys that if they follow him, then the beast will be killed and they will have nothing to fear. It could be argued that Jack is helping the boys by saying that he will kill hunt down and kill the beast. While Jack is able to kill the beast, as shown to us by his ability to hunt pigs, his intentions are to take control of the boys by making them feel safe under his rule. Jack knows that the boys are vulnerable due to their fear, so he takes advantage of this by saying that he can solve their problems if he is their leader. As shown in the beginning of the chapter, Jack does not believe in the beast and only cares about absolute power over the boys on the island. William Golding uses the time of night to show the motif of darkness because the night is generally thought to be a dark time while the only light on the island was the bombs in the sky from the military battle. He also shows that the littluns have nightmares during the night about the beast. He is also using Jack to show motif because he is a representation of fear and darkness, which shows how he is slowly taking control over the boys. Though Jack does not have complete power as of yet, he is making a foundation for his rise to

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