
Los Angeles California: My Favorite Place to Visit Essay

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Los Angeles California My Favorite Place To Visit
Los Angeles is one of the most exciting cities in the United States. According to the Los Angeles post record tourist numbers in 2012, the city attracts 41.4 million visitors per year. Even though the traffic is terrible, Los Angeles is still one of my favorite places because of the many restaurants to dine in, and the many wonderful attractions.
Traffic in Los Angeles is implausible. The streets are congested from morning to night and everyone seems to be in a hurry from the walkers to the drivers. My first time in Los Angeles the traffic was so bad that crossing the street literally scared me; I stood there for the longest time, looking at the light, trying to figure out when to cross. …show more content…

My first time there, I was astonished at all the things Los Angeles had going on. I really enjoyed Universal Studios, Holly Wood walk of fame, Disney Land and the Los Angeles Museum.
Every year for the past two years, I have had the pleasure of going to one of the biggest attractions in Los Angeles: The Taste of Soul Festival, a community event held on the famous Crenshaw Boulevard where the people of Los Angeles come together as one. People also come from others states to enjoy this event. There is singing, dancing, competitions, games and activities. The festival includes live bands comprised of R&B, jazz, country, gospel and much more. Many vendors also participate in this event, selling food such as hotdogs, sausages, fish, crabs, chicken, cotton candy and ice cream. This is a big event. According to the Los Angeles Sentinel, more than 300,000 people attended in 2012. One of the best times of my stay in Los Angeles was being a part of this event. My favorite enjoyment was the live Gospel Music, the steppers, and the great seafood.
In conclusion, I think everyone should visit Los Angeles at least once in his or her lifetime. Even though the traffic is terrible, there is always something to do and somewhere to go. Los Angeles is one of those cities where one could never be bored. Visitors will enjoy the fine dining with many delicious offerings and incredible amount of area attractions. I will

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