
Lost On A Mountain Of Maine

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It was three summers ago and It was just another hot day and my parents insisted that we be active and do something. It was my mom’s grand idea that we go for a hike and then go watch some fireworks at a country club nearby. Me and my sister were of course were not amused by this idea and were not looking forward to being eaten by mosquitoes on a mountain for a couple hours. I do not consider myself the outdoorsy type, fishing was about the extend of it. Hiking isn’t something I particularly enjoy and after tonight hiking would become my absolute least favorite activity ever. Some would say that Donn Fendler’s book Lost on a Mountain in Maine is a really good interpretation of someone 's real life story of being lost on a mountain, but few can say they have actually gone through the fear of being lost on a mountain. We reached the mountain in late afternoon, the sun out and no clouds in sight. To be honest I was already uncomfortable with the heat and humidity and we hadn’t even start the hike. My parents made several attempts to make the hike seem intriguing but we wouldn’t bite. As we began up the trail it was very quiet. I was doing my best to avoid talking to my parents. I just wanted to get this hike over with. As we continued up my mom insisted on taking pictures of every view we saw. She would make me and my sister stand next to eachother so she could ake pictures of us witht the view behind us. It was a nighmare that wouldn’t end. We finally reached the peak and

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