
Lost Salt Gift of Blood

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Regionalism in the World of Alistair McLeod Joan N. Mu**** Student No. ******* Thursday, October 4th, 2012 Regionalism in the World of Alistair McLeod Imagery is used fairly often in the eastern coast of Canada may have an unforgiving and rather harsh streak, but many Canadians choose to raise their families and practice their craft there. In both short stories by Alistair McLeod; The Lost Salt Gift of Blood and The Boat, the setting of the Canadian east coast is used to develop both the plot and the character. Along with the narration of the physical setting there is also the intricate dialogue spoken by the various characters. In combination, the various customs and traditions presented by the author through language and setting …show more content…

Such features lay ground to a better understanding of the region. Within both short stories, McLeod paints an even broader sense of the eastern Canadian coast using the domestic principles held there to describe the region. The homestead of John and his grandparents is one where things are not wasted, “cast-off

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