
Louise Mallard's Death

Decent Essays

Kristen Tilghman
Professor Bass
29, July 2015
Death And Time The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is the tale of an older woman named Louise Mallard, whose sister comes over to tell her that her husband was killed in a train accident. At first she seems devastated and she sullenly goes upstairs and stands by the window of her house and contemplates the events of the day. Only later for her to realize after sitting upstairs that she is overjoyed and elated that she is in her words, “Free! Body and soul free”(Chopin 2).Later on Louise Mallard dies of a heart attack only an hour after her husband supposedly dies of a heart attack because her husband walks through the door, and once she sees that he is indeed alive she is overwhelmed …show more content…

When they say in the story “heart disease— of joy that kills,”(Chopin 3) it is ironic because joy did not kill her it was the shock that her husband was still alive that gave her a heart attack and killed her. Also it's not joyful to die, in fact death is the opposite it is depressing and somber. Its ironic also that Louise was overjoyed that her husband was dead, yet she was upset at the same time. She loved her husband, but at the same time she was excited that she was finally in her mind free to be independent and do what she wanted to do in her life. Again there is irony in the story when the husband is alive in the end, whereas Louise is dead. In the beginning he was the one thought to be dead and she was supposed to be the one to live out her life, but in the end he is the one that gets to live on while she is dead. Irony is used to alleviate tension and to provide almost comic relief so tHe story maintains both serious and …show more content…

One moment Mrs. Mallard was thinking her husband was dead and the next minute he was alive and she was the one dead. The theme is enforced and supported throughout the story in many ways. Irony is placed throughout the story as a way of keeping the story interesting and bringing forth a sense of humor in the short story that helps to balance out the serious tone held throughout The Story of an Hour. Suspense is also Used to bring us the readers’ attention to the story, and to keep us thinking about whats next in line and what is going to happen in the story. Used many times in the story the suspense is what grabs our attention and keeps us hanging off our chair just waiting to know what is going to happen next. From the time you start the story to the time you end it everything is a surprise you have no idea what is coming until it is there, and the whole time the theme is displayed in one way or another while irony keeps us laughing at how ironic the situation is and provides us as the reader

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