
Love In The Bible Essay

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What then is love? Over the years, society has pondered this question only to arrive to different answers. Who then deserves to be love? Some people love only those who are easy to love. Others, love people who they know will reciprocate their love. According Eagle Vision Ministry, there are different kinds of love: Storge love (love of a parent to child), Eros love (physical love), Phileo love (friendship love), and Agape love (God’s love). Agape love is a unique love that has nothing to do with emotional attachments. It is the kind of love that only God can place in the heart of an individual. It is the kind of love that permits a person to love their enemies. It is the kind of love that permits a person to do good to those who …show more content…

The book of Matthew is part of the synoptic gospels which includes Mark and Luke as well. The three books are usually studied together because they contain a great deal of similar content. Of the four Gospels, Matthew is the clearest and most comprehensive of Jesus’ teachings. Matthew emphasizes Jesus’ identity as the Son of God, and Matthew was a disciple of Jesus Christ. Matthew was a Jewish tax collector by profession who worked for the Roman government. The book was written around the year 60 C.E. primarily to a Jewish audience. Matthew was hated by the Jews, but he responded willingly to Christ’s call to “Follow Him” (Powell 2-3). According to Mark Powell, the book of Matthew is the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection. The moral code is base on the law and present Christ in the institution of the church. Powell describes Matthew as a book that separate people into categories of “good” and “evil” (868). Jesus continued to prepare the people for the Kingdom of God by pointing out sin, urging repentance and advising people to listen to God. Throughout Matthew, Jesus describes the concept of love in his ministries as he traveled around to speak of the Gospels. In Matthew 22: 34-35, Warren Berkley summaries the discussion between Jesus and a lawyer. The discussion happened during a busy and intense last week

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