
Low Vision Advantages And Disadvantages

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The World Health Organization (WHO, 2011) estimates thattherearemore than 285 million people worldwide who are visually impaired, of whomnearly 39 million people are blind and 246 million suffer from low vision1. A person with low vision has a best corrected visual acuity in the better eyeoflessthan6/18tolightperceptionoracentralvisualfieldofless 10than degrees, but who uses or has the potential to use vision for the planning and execution of a task
Visual impairment is a worldwide concern and it is very likely that it will gain moreimportance as the present standard of medical therapy is on the rise and the average life expectancy of an individual is lengthened. There are a significant number of people with irreversible loss of vision, in spite of the best possible therapy, who also possess some degree of useful residual vision, termed as low vision. This impaired vision not only affects their daily living activities but also increases their dependence on other people. The current investigation sought to focus on the impact of low vision services and to address the barriers involved in visual rehabilitation of adults (16 to 60 years).
Different individuals undergo different experiences with reference to low vision, and may show variable responses to low vision rehabilitation. Ultimately, an individual suffering from low vision has to accept his/her disorder and should strive to obtain the best final outcome. This necessitates the initiation of new programs, or

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