
Luck-Personal Narrative

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This is showing a connection of being so happy for a item, for me that item is a horse, can be switched to never wanting to be happy for another horse for any amounts of time. I mean that for me if I ever get excited, in the end I realize I should not be excited. This does not mean that good things go wrong for everyone, but that’s how my luck has ran its course to this point. Chesa took me under my wing when I wanted to learn more about horses, and now I am showing horses in the summer. Although just recently I got good news from Chesa, but I know I just need to stay calm and not expect the best. On November thirteenth 2016, Angels Painted Aspen, or just Aspen came into my horseless life. Then on the 30th of October, I finally laid my eyes …show more content…

Lunging is when you have a long lead rope hooked on a bridle, with a lunging whip, and to warm up the horse by making them go on circles on a walk, trot, and canter. A trot is like a mild intro of a fast walk, and a canter is like a jog. Also, during the time I made sure to take notice on how Aspen moves, such as: the beats she held at a trot, and a canter. The beats of a horse are: a walk has a four beat, a trot has a three beat, and a canter has a three beat then they suspend in the air for one beat. Ellen made some rounds around the arena, making sure to tell us that Aspen barely needs to be guided since her mouth is very sensitive. She then let Chesa get on Aspen, but Chesa did not use the steps, which was weird because Aspen was a huge horse with her head reaching to almost six feet tall. I knew Chesa was a good rider, yet I know she has been doing this since she was a teenager like me. While Chesa was riding in circles, making sure she did not feel any sore spots on Aspen’s movement. During this I was standing by the corner of the arena with my mom, making sure that I took pictures of Chesa and Aspen. Ellen asked me about all of my experience from riding while I was waiting, so I told her that I have been riding all my life, so I was decent rider. Chesa told me that Aspen was nice to ride, so she finally told it was my turn to ride. She …show more content…

I sadly told her I would bring her back on a Sunday. Ellen agreed, so I spent my week, knowing that Aspen would not be with me anymore. I was at my aunts’ dad’s funeral while Aspen was taken without me knowing. It was a breaking point for emotions, knowing I did not get to say anything to her, or hug her goodbye. When I saw the message I could not hold it in, I walked to the bathroom in upstairs of the bathroom, and started to cry. I just could not stop, it was a waterfall that never ended. Elaine took Aspen from my care, and into Ellen’s care. All she said to me was that, “ I hope you do not mind but I needed room for Scott’s new horse, and I told you before that I would need the pen if he got one. I hope you do not mind but I took Apen back to Ellen's.” I was devastated, confused, angry, and just plain emotional. She had no right to take Aspen without telling me, even more so knowing I would never trust her

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