
Lucy In I Am Sam

Satisfactory Essays

“Tell why sam should or should not be allowed custody of Lucy. Please choose a side and no “fence sitters” allowed.” The movie “I am Sam” depicts a father who is mentally challenged who tries his best to take care of and support his daughter. Unfortunately, due to legal situations, he is forced to fight for his right to keep custody of his daughter in court. According to the prosecutor, Sam has the mental stability of a 7 year old and his daughter will soon be 8 years of age. However, Sam has proven to be able to take care of himself as well as his daughter, maintain a paying job, and take care of his own household. In the long run, it would make sense to continue letting Sam contain custody of his daughter due to the fact that he has proven to be more than capable of being responsible for himself as well as Lucy. Sam has been supporting Lucy by supervising, sheltering her, nurturing her, providing her with food, and everything else necessary for taking care of a child ever since the day Lucy was born. Sam has no choice but to take care of Lucy because her mother was homeless and wouldn’t be able to support Lucy at all. This led to the assumption the Lucy wasn’t in reliable hands so she was then put into foster care which gave her artificial parents. Lucy was still able to see and communicate with her father, but …show more content…

He was able to do this since before the court case came into existence. Sam allegedly has the knowledge of a 7-year-old but has proven that he can maintain jobs, pay bills, fill in applications, etc. It is even more amazing that he was able to continue to work and keep his emotions in tact throughout the process of the court case that threatened to take his daughter away from him which will take a toll on any parent no matter their mental stability or capacity. Sam has proven that he is a dedicated hard worker and is responsible enough to provide for himself as well as his

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