
Lucy In Search Of Human Origin

Decent Essays

In Search of Human Origins, a film based on the findings of a three million year old female skeleton, that lived near the lake of an African forest. However, ‘Lucy’ was the given name when she was discovered by anthropologist Donald Johanson in Ethiopia many decades ago. Primarily identified as A. afarensis. Lucy, a remarkable piece of treasure portrayed a characteristic of having the ability to walk upright and the capability to lock her knee joints, thus, allowing her to be listed as a vital starting point of the transition between humans and animals. Though, the story of ‘Lucy’ is an interesting one, as she is said to be the “missing link” between humans and apes, essentially, allowing individuals to get a key understanding of the earliest common human ancestor. As Johanson set out on a journey through the Great Rift Valley of Africa, he and his team gathered years of essential evidence that helped tie together the history of human origins known to be the “first family.”
Originating in Africa, the history of early human beings can be traced to nearly 1.9 million years ago with the species Homo erectus; which were described to have a large body, a thick skull, a strong jaw, and 725 cubic centimeters of brain capacity. However, …show more content…

Additionally, illustrating a crucial reality to many individuals that are ignorant about science and history in various forms of humans evolvement. The audience of this film conveyed the message as a way to be historians about our ancestors. The producers essentially made this film during the 90s which was an era that many technological advances were being made in our society. This film was just an asset to that as our world was developing and played a role in helping us convey how alike we are despite the differences in our ethnicity, cultural, and religious

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