
Lynching In America Essay

Decent Essays

During the nineteenth century, lynching was brought to America by British Isles and after the Civil War white Americans lynching African American increased. Causing and bringing fear into their world. In the Southern United States, lynching became a method used by the whites to terrorize the Blacks and to remain in control with white supremacy. The hatred and fear that was installed into the white people’s head had caused them to turn to the lynch law. The term lynching means to be put to death by hanging by a mob action without legal sanction. So many white people were supportive of lynching because it was a sign of power that the white people had. “Lynching of the black people was used frequently by white people, their is no specific detail of how many times they had done it, but lynching of black people has lasted from 1882 to 1968. Lynching also is in fact a inhuman combination of racism and sadism which was used to support the south’s caste system,’’(Gandhi).
During this time, lynching was used to control, intimidate, and manipulate a certain group of people, striking fear into their hearts. …show more content…

These types of sundown towns were connected to lynching and lynch mobs because they’re known for their behavior as a all-white neighborhood in the United States that practice a form of segregation by enforcing restrictions and excluding people of other races from their town. The name came from signs put up that said blacks need to leave before sundown. Because lynching mobs were able to influence their own governments into supporting lynch mobs,there was no one to stop these crimes also known as Lynch Laws. The Lynch Laws were created by Charles Lynch, who ordered legal punishments on Tory acts and was also an administration of punishment. Because of this law, lynching was supported by many whites because they felt that they gave a warning to the

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