
Michael Brown Murder In Ferguson Essay

Decent Essays

During the past couple months a controversial case was brought to the grand jury in Ferguson. The jury decided to not indict Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown. This major decision caused uprising, riots, protests, and lootings in the town of Ferguson. Many protesters feel this is a race issue, when clearly it is not. The grand jury did the right thing to not indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown. Michael Brown was guilty because he assaulted a police officer, the actions Michael Brown took apart in, and The officer, Darren Wilson who shot Michael Brown proved that he was acting in the matter of self-defense. Michael Brown assaulted Officer Darren Wilson who never used his gun before this incident. Officer Darren Wilson, to protect his own life had to go to last resort and shoot Michael Brown. According to the article, “Michael Brown …show more content…

According to the article, “Views You Can Use: Was Justice Served in Ferguson?” Rachel Brody proclaims, “The jury, composed of nine whites and three blacks, found no probable cause to charge Wilson, who is white, and returned a “no true bill” on all five indictments against him for killing an unarmed black teen.” But one important fact that is consistently left out is that the grand jury that decided to not indict the officer has been sitting there for a while. They were given this case and were not chosen to handle this case but were just sitting on the stand when the case arrived. According to the article, “Views You Can Use: Was Justice Served in Ferguson?” Rachel Brody proclaims, “Were 12 shots necessary? Was there some other, non-lethal way to subdue the suspect?” When a man approaches you with his hands near his waist, looking like he may have a concealed weapon, wouldn’t you be afraid too? You would be forced to take any actions to protect yourself, no matter how lethal they may

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