
MDMA And Ecstasy

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3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or more commonly known as ecstasy is a drug that alters someone’s moods, perception, and behavior. MDMA has a chemical formula of
C11H15NO2, with a molar mass of 193.25 g/mol. The IUPAC name is 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-Nmethylpropan-
2-amine. A fun fact to point out is that MDMA has a benzene ring formation in it’s chemical structure. Ecstasy pills were first introduced in many European countries in the 1980s, as they were linked to the rave and club scenes. (M. Edland-Gryt et al. 2017)
MDMA is used in the form of a recreational drug, it is understood to stimulate the individual, by increasing empathy, and a person’s sensation by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain. This is one of the main

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