
Macbeth Analysis

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The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, is about a young man name Macbeth from Scotland who gets a prophecy from three witches saying he "shalt king hereafter!" (1.3.27). Once Macbeth hears the prophecy, he does everything in is power to make it come true. This play shows the reader or the audience watching that they can face characters from the play in real life. William Shakespeare was a terrific writer that not only taught a lesson in his writings, but also wrote to entertain the audience even when he adds a serious feel to it. In William Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare shows the reader how the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth has changed before and after Duncan's murder, why he does not tell his wife his plans to kill Banquo, and how Lady Macbeth reacted to Macbeth's "fit" at the banquet.
When the play first starts, Shakespeare introduces Macbeth as a nobleman of Scotland that hated murder, and if he had to kill someone it was only for his country and not for his own satisfaction. The thought of murder made him sick to his stomach. When Macbeth receives the prophecy, he starts to think of ways to make it come true. His wife, Lady Macbeth, knows that her husband deserves to be king because of how brave and noble he is. She will do anything to help her husband achieve this goal even If it meant killing the current king. Duncan, who was the current king at this time, decides to go to the Macbeth's castle to spend the night for the

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