
How Does Lulach's Relationship With Friends At The End Of The Novel

Decent Essays

Macbeth and Son – Draft essay

Jackie French's novel Macbeth and Son, published in 2006, is about two boys – Luke, a modern day boy living in Australia and Lulach, an ancient times boy living in eleventh-century Scotland, through a interconnected narrative. The novel represents teen issues through relationships with peers by the use of text structure and language features. The thematic message in the novel shows that having relationships with peers is crucial in a teenage live, through the eyes of both protagonists.

Luke, one of the main characters, has two close friends; Pat and Megan (page 21). In the first chapter of Luke's story he often talks about his friends. Jackie French skilfully, throughout a complicated plot, has shown the close bond between Luke and the twins in the activity of pruning their fruit trees, which he enjoyed doing with his father when he was alive. When there is going to be a resort built in their area that will take all the water out of the Fishers (Pat and Megan's Family) creek, French shows, through this tough situation, how determined …show more content…

Knut was Lulach's foster brother and best friend, Knut was spending several years with another family to learn their ways and cement alliances. Through out an intricate plot French shows how important Knut is to Lulach. When Knut is dying, Lulach’s grief is revealed, by his raw and tender words “ There should be something you could say to a dying friend, thought Lulach... words of love, or comfort... but his body and mind were numb, but words wouldn't come.” (p. 167) This descriptive language clearly reflects the theme of relationships. Lulach also has a fiancée called Thora, Lulach and Thora had an arranged marriage planned together. Even when the marriage is no longer necessary for them to stay allies, he willingly takes Thora back with him to be his bride because of the strong positive connection between

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