
Macbeth Character Analysis

Decent Essays

In written literature, a tragedy is considered as a story that narrates the journey of a glorious individual with a fatal flaw in their character which leads to their undoing. In order to execute a well written tragedy, the author’s work must invoke an abreaction from the audience in response to the storyline that revolves around the suffering of a human character. In the play Macbeth, William Shakespeare demonstrates his skill of writing a tragedy by creating a character, named Macbeth, who struggles with balancing his moralities. In Act Ⅰ, the play begins to unravel and reveal this glorified Scottish general’s fatal flaw which invokes the audience to shift lenses on how they view him as he battled his internal struggles. William E. Cain stated, “One of the unnerving fascinations of Macbeth is that ... we are sympathetically connected to its protagonist”. Regarding to Act Ⅰ in Macbeth, Cain’s statement becomes evident because Shakespeare has written the play in such a way that modern day audiences are able to distinguish a character's intentions promptly, especially those from the female characters Macbeth encounter with.
Shakespeare creates a strong and courageous persona for his starring character, Macbeth, but it wasn’t until he was faced with the Weird Sisters did the journey of his downfall begin. The three Weird Sisters essentially lead Macbeth to his demise, by foretelling a prophecy that he shall be named as Thane of Cawdor and then king. Although the prophecy of

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