
Macbeth Character Analysis

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At the beginning, the roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are what one would expect to see in a husband and his wife. In other words, it is a normal marriage. Their marriage is the one that everyone would strive for. Macbeth can clearly be seen as the strong, manly soldier who is off fighting to save his country and Lady Macbeth can be seen as the traditional loving and caring wife of a man who is a soldier and is risking for his life for hers and her neighbors. Throughout the play one meets other characters who have opinions on what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are truly like coming from the eyes of friends and family. Duncan asks the captain, “What bloody man is that?” This leaves one with the question on who or what type of man would be capable of this type of violence and destruction. In that passage, it is safe to assume that Duncan was thinking of one particular man. Duncan poses this question because he has the image of the courageous, smart, intelligent and superior Macbeth slaying all the enemies that come before him, when in reality, “But all’s too weak for Macbeth --well he deserves that name and disdaining fortune.” Is Macbeth actually the courageous man that everyone thinks he is? Or is Macbeth actually a coward?
Throughout the play people describe Macbeth as a strong and brave man but the definition of him slowly changes as things become more intense between him and his wife and hi and his own thoughts. Macbeth is described as a “strong soldier”, a man who was so courageous that he looked so calm going up against other men as he “unseamed him from the nave to the’ chops and fixed his head on the battlements.” In the beginning of this play, one would describe Macbeth as being very happy and in love and that would in fact be the truth. However, things can appear to be good and perfect on the outside when in reality they could be ready to break at any second and in this case their marriage is about to get tested. Macbeth is stable and a normal man and when he finally comes back home to his wife, it is a scene of what is true love. They are deeply in love throughout the beginning of the play and that have what everyone wants, which is someone who balances you out and they seem to really get each other.

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