
Macbeth Figurative Language Essay

Decent Essays

In the play “Macbeth “ written by William Shake-sphere in the 1600’s contains powerful words. Words that bring forth so much imagery and the life to the play. For instance the play “Macbeth” opens up with three witches conjuring on a health amidst thunder lightening, “ fog and flithily air” and then proceed to throw around sinister prothesis, so therefore that is setting the tone of the play is a dark and foreboding play. In addition to that pervious quote shows imagery.

Genre, a category of autistic composition as in music or literature characterized by similarities in form , style , or subject matter. The Genre of Macbeth was Tragedy because of the dark theme that the author Shakessphere showed . There’s alot of betrayal & lies in this play . Lady Macbeth is considered the most memorable and tragic figure in the story . “Out ,out , damned spot !” . This quote is referring to the all the blood Lady Macbeth is imaging on her shirt. She says these words before she started to sleep walk in response to all her guilt about the horrible things she has been doing . Blood , the blood symbolized as violence but as time move on the play guilt also takes place . Macbeth and Lady Macbeth feel guilty more than anything the misery that there in they will never be able to wash the “ the guilt “ away …show more content…

The destruction throughout when ambition goes unchecked by moral constrains , finds its greatest powerful expression in the play two main characters , Macbeth is a courageous Scottish general who is not naturally incline commit even deeds , but he deeply desires power and advancement . We learn in Act two we see Irony , from knocking on the door is from Lenox and Macduff who are arriving at Inverness . Nonetheless Macbeth is in a state of frenzy and believes that someone has heard him commit the and the audience is fully aware that on else knows of Macbeth

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